Collection of original drawings by 1920s/30s London Architect Robert Cromie who specialised in the design of Cinemas and Theatres.
I picked these items up through a contact who knew I have an interest in ephemera. I have to confess to having never heard of Robert Cromie and when I first looked at the pile of drawings and pictures, many of which were damaged around the edges and some were a little mouldy too, I was unsure if I really wanted the lot, as it wasn't particularly cheap to buy, but I thought the portrait was very well done (I am definitely not an art connoisseur), so as my contact had saved them for me I decided to bite the bullet and part with the full asking price.

It didn't take much effort when I got home to fine out about Robert Cromie and what he was famous for. I found he had been an architect in London in the 1920s and 1930s and was responsible for designing many of the Ritz cinemas built during that period. I believe the drawing below is a Cromie design, but was drawn by Glyn Roberts, I haven't been able to find anything out about him, but I assume he worked with, or for, Robert Cromie.

As well as designing theatres and cinemas Cromie also designed houses for the 1930's Crowsport Estate, on the edge of the River Hamble. The items shown below are original drawings although I don't know if they are the final designs or earlier drafts.

As I said when I picked the Robert Cromie Portrait and Drawings Collection up I had no idea who he was, and even after initially looking at the drawings I wasn't overly interested in purchasing them, but having done some research I have found he was a very talented architect who designed some iconic buildings.